Oskarshamn nuclear power plant - OKG (to the startpage)

Information on the processing of personal data at OKG

We need to process personal information about you because you are either employed at OKG, involved in OKG's business operations or are visiting OKG.

Who is responsible for processing your personal data?

OKG AB is responsible (as the controller) for processing the personal data we collect from or about you.

What personal data do we collect and why?

Personal data includes, for example, your personal identification number, name, KID, signature, contact details, information about approved medical examinations and photo.

The purpose of processing your personal data is to enable OKG to run its business activities in a lawful and effective manner by, for example, managing access, carrying out identity checks, recording hours worked, carrying out dosimetry and controlling access to IT systems.

Your biometric signature and your photo will be used in connection with access.

You may be recorded on video due to camera surveillance.

If you attend meetings, work with OKG's documents or carry out work requiring work permit, personal data about you may be generated in running text and in connection with quality assurance carried out on OKG's documents.

If necessary, you may get your personal data processed when you get access to rooms, lockers, tools, computers, work clothes etc.

What legal basis do we have for processing your personal data?

Our joint agreement provides the legal basis for our data processing. In many cases, we process personal data in order to meet our legal requirements. In some cases, the reason we do this is to strike a balance between different interests.

Who can receive/process your personal data?

Your personal data is processed primarily by OKG and Group companies within Uniper.

If necessary, OKG transmits personal data about you, together with information on medical examinations carried out for radiological work and the dose you received from us, to a central dose registry (CDR) managed by Ringhals AB..

How long do we process your personal data?

Generally, permissions and similar information are deleted one month after we have terminated our contractual relationship.

Depending on the nature of the processing and our legal requirements, records and logs are stored for at least 12 months for reasons of traceability, and in some cases throughout the lifespan of the plant.

Your rights

You are entitled to request information about your personal data or request your personal data to be corrected or deleted. You may also request that restrictions are placed on our processing of your personal data. You also have the right to object to our processing of your personal data.

If you want to know what personal information we have about you, please visit our reception and ask for an extract from the registry. You will be given a form to submit your application which will be supported by valid photo ID.

If you are not satisfied with our processing of your personal data, you have the right to submit a complaint to the Swedish Authority for Privacy Protection (IMY), imy@imy.se.

Do you have questions regarding the processing of your personal data?

You can contact our Data Protection Officer by phoning Uniper's switchboard on +46 771 765 765 or by sending an e-mail to dataskyddsombud.sverige@uniper.energy

Unipers Privacy Policy